Since 2017 the experience of our UFI INNOVATION CENTER in the study and production of filtration materials has been made at the service of the development of new technologies for the hydrogen sector, to mark the path to decarbonization. It’s no longer time to wait, we cannot stand by and watch climate change take place. For this reason, in 2023 UFI HYDROGEN was born, the NewCo dedicated to the research and development, implementation and industrialization of the MEAs – Membrane Electrode Assemblies – strategic component for both water electrolysers for the green hydrogen production and of the fuel cells for the green hydrogen utilization in the zero-emission mobility.
Since 2017 the experience of our UFI INNOVATION CENTER in the study and production of filtration materials has been made at the service of the development of new technologies for the hydrogen sector, to mark the path to decarbonization. It’s no longer time to wait, we cannot stand by and watch climate change take place. For this reason, in 2023 UFI HYDROGEN was born, the NewCo dedicated to the research and development, implementation and industrialization of the MEAs – Membrane Electrode Assemblies – strategic component for both water electrolysers for the green hydrogen production and of the fuel cells for the green hydrogen utilization in the zero-emission mobility.
Job opportunities
IPCEI program manager
Number of open position: 1
Place of work: Ala (TN)
Published on: 31/01/2025
Deadline for applications: 31/03/2025
Full-time job
Job description:
UFI Hydrogen is looking for IPCEI program manager. Purpose of position: the IPCEI program manager leads the overall project, coordinating activities within the program to keep it on track, according to the budget, timing and KPIs. Works closely with the CFO and R&D Director and is responsible for the relationships and communication with the external stakeholders, the Italian Ministero delle Imprese e del Made in Italy -Mimit- and the EU Commission.
Key Accountabilities:
- coordinate the IPCEI Program and the sub-projects interdependencies
- provide consolidated reporting and analysis on schedule, budget, scope performance
- identify program level risks and implement mitigation strategies
- keep timely accurate interactions with Direct Partners of the EU project assuring coordinated reporting
- lead program change control and incorporate alterations from projects
- support the Finance Team and R&D Team in the financial and technical reporting
- manage the program documentation
- manage stakeholders’ communication
- coordinates Spillover process on project achievements and program evolution
Qualifications & Experience:
- good knowledge English language (writing, speaking and comprehension)
- experience in similar role (at least 2 years)
- master’s degree in chemistry
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Via Fortunato Zeni, 8
38068 Rovereto (TN) - Italy
T. +39 0464 443111
F. +39 0464 443112
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