


Polytec S.p.A. è un’azienda, con sede principale a Borgo Chiese (TN), che opera a livello internazionale quale system integrator specializzato in soluzioni e piattaforme che integrando robotica, visione artificiale, automazione dei processi e sistemi di raccolta, archiviazione e analisi dei dati, consentono alle aziende produttive la trasformazione tecnologica necessaria a riqualificarsi fabbriche intelligenti.
Fa parte di BM Group Holding, che conta su un totale di circa 300 addetti suddivisi nelle varie sedi: Borgo Chiese (Headquarter), Brescia, Rovereto, Taranto, Darfo Boario Terme, Creazzo, Piazzola sul Brenta (unità operative distaccate) e Houston USA (sede della società americana Polytec USA).





Polytec S.p.A. è un’azienda, con sede principale a Borgo Chiese (TN), che opera a livello internazionale quale system integrator specializzato in soluzioni e piattaforme che integrando robotica, visione artificiale, automazione dei processi e sistemi di raccolta, archiviazione e analisi dei dati, consentono alle aziende produttive la trasformazione tecnologica necessaria a riqualificarsi fabbriche intelligenti.
Fa parte di BM Group Holding, che conta su un totale di circa 300 addetti suddivisi nelle varie sedi: Borgo Chiese (Headquarter), Brescia, Rovereto, Taranto, Darfo Boario Terme, Creazzo, Piazzola sul Brenta (unità operative distaccate) e Houston USA (sede della società americana Polytec USA).

Profili ricercati

Senior robotics software engineer

Numero figure ricercate: 1
Sede di lavoro: Borgo Chiese (TN) o Rovereto c/o Be Factory di Progetto Manifattura
Data di scadenza: 18/06/2024
Full Time

Descrizione della posizione offerta:

Polytec S.p.A. is looking for a Senior Robotics software Engineer.

The resource will be part of the development teams related to robot and PLC software and will:

  • interface with the rest of the robotics team to understand the needs of the machine in relation to its application
  • be responsible for the development of software in a high-level structured programming language (such as RAPID or PDL2) for the creation of routines and tasks
  • participate in the testing that is carried out at the company headquarters
  • follow the commissioning for the part of competence and the training of the customer’s personnel

The resource will be trained for the knowledge of software programming of PLCs auxiliary to robotic islands. He will take care of the development of software in Ladder / KOP language and the parameterization and calibration of the Inverter.
The resource will take part in the training courses promoted by BM Group to deepen and improve their skills in the field.

Required qualifications:

  • willingness to acquire new knowledge in computer science applied in the industrial field
  • good knowledge of the English language
  • willingness to make occasional trips around Italy and abroad
  • diploma and/or degree in electronics, electrical engineering, industrial automation or similar
  • the profile is completed by excellent qualities of resistance to stress, relational skills, and operational flexibility
  • ability to read wiring diagrams and technical documentation
  • basic knowledge of sensors applied to industrial automation
  • basic knowledge of robots and their kinematic/dynamic functioning. Good knowledge of structured programming


  • integration into a solid and rapidly growing international group with 30 years of experience in innovation, technology, and energy
  • opportunity to grow and improve the job position
  • aspiring over the years to acquire responsibilities within the company
  • opportunity to take part in innovative research and development activities
  • job posting also on foreign branches (USA, Mexico, Brazil, South Korea)
  • technical, linguistic, and managerial training
  • opportunity to travel and meet new people from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds
  • shared apartment/hotel for non-residents during any training/work periods at the Borgo Chiese headquarters. Equipment: Smartphone and PC


è un progetto:

Via Fortunato Zeni, 8
38068 Rovereto (TN) - Italy
T. +39 0464 443111
F. +39 0464 443112


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